Knowledge, CARE, and Innovation in Student Health
Comprehensive advisory, brokerage, and plan administration services exclusively for institutions of higher education from a trusted team of industry experts.
Results that are proven.
We’ve done it for them. We can do it for you too.
Utilizing a clearly defined and collaborative process for plan analysis and cost-savings
We provided student health insurance advisory services to one of the largest and most prominent private, not-for-profit universities in the United States. They are a leader in health science education and research and a pioneer in online learning, pursuing their mission of “opening wider avenues of employment to young men and women.”
Streamlined RFP Management
We partnered with one of the largest and most prominent private, not-for-profit universities in the United States. This East Coast school has over 25,000 students in undergraduate and graduate programs as well as 5,000 employees. They are a leader in health science education and research and a pioneer in online learning, pursuing their mission of […]
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